New to PSA

Assuming you're new to PSA or just wondering how to use some features around the site, you've came to the place where you can read up on the features. This page will most likely be constantly updated, the last update for this page was 23rd June 2024 Image

  1. 1. Takes you to the PSAonline Home Page
  2. 2. Takes you to the Comics Section
  3. 3. Takes you to the Radio Section
  4. 4. Takes you to the Movies Section
  5. 5. Takes you to the Staff Page
  6. 6. Takes you to the About Page
  7. 7. Takes you to the Forums
  8. 8. Links to the Official PSA Discord Server
  9. 9. This links to PSAplus, which is the patreon page for PSA
  10. 10. Takes you to an application form page allowing you to apply to join the PSA staff.
  11. 11. Brings you to this Page
  12. 12. Lets you register to the website, it is one login for the entire site, so if you registered on the forum, it'll work on the main website.
  13. 13. Goes to PSAplus, Same as 9.