by Sebastian
Ok, The 4th issue might not come out on the deadline. Warren is busy working on his game (and doctor who series) so he kinda doesn't have time to do this. BUT IT WILL BE DONE (hopefully)

(EDIT. DATE: 3RD OF SEPTEMBER) ok. yeah its not coming out on the deadline.
by Warren
WARREN HERE! I've just decided i'm COMING BACK TO QvV because i am PUBESCENT and TIRED and FUELLED BY CAFFIENE AND THE ALBA FONT!!!!!!111!!!1!1!!11!

so yeah i'm aiming to get issue 4 out around september, Back-to-school day.
by Warren
Hi there, warren here, if you couldn't tell. I am pleased to announce that the comic archive HAS LIFTOFF, after a LONG period of not having one, and is available through the comic Tab. You should see the "Comics" Thingy... Somewhere... Up there, Maybe?

Anyways, enjoy it!
by Warren
Hey guys, It's Warren here.
I would Like to announce that I'm stepping back from producing Quakeguy Vs. Vibri, and that Will be in complete control of the Series.

I'm excited to see what he will bring to the Series, and also a tad bit nervous because it means Giving up one of my favourite Comics I've made.

Ta-Ta! :D